Thursday, November 10, 2011

Identity Theft is a Booming Business

 By Jake Stroup, Guide   October 21, 2011

There has been a disconcerting trend in the party-line concerning identity theft recently. We all know that you can "prove" anything with statistics by choosing to report numbers that reflect a desired perception. You can even prove the opposite of the truth. What I've seen in the identity theft world is that some law enforcement and government publications prefer to use statistics that make it seem identity theft is on the decline.

But nothing could be further from reality. If anything, identity theft seems to be evolving into a more sophisticated business model, with product vendors, trainers, and even after-market support for the aspiring identity thief. READ THIS STORY

Interested in a Identity Theft Protect Plan and Restoration Services?  Click this link to see how these services can help serve and protect you, your spouse and even your children.

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